It's interesting that TBS aired these episodes back-to-back, or rather not seeing as how they are just going in air date order, since both episodes share similar themes of Jim and Pam's maturity through separation. However instead of a full-blown Michael show in Scranton as it was in the previous episode we get instead a split between Michael's story and Ryan's first sales call. I'll cover the Ryan/Dwight pairing first. I have said previously that I think the Michael and Dwight characters work best playing off other characters rather than a story that focuses on the two of them (excluding the hilarious "The Coup") and we get to see that in this episode. Dwight, as usual, allows the little power that he gets go to his head and when Ryan asks him to take him out on a sales call he decides on a full-blown hazing ritual which includes a trip to his beat farm and a wrestling competition with his cousin, Mose (Michael Schur). We get more of an idea of why Ryan was so ready to engage in some office playfulness last week when he states in his talking head that he has decided to commit to his job here at Dunder Mifflin. Unfortunately because of his acting like he is smarter than everyone, he has yet to make a sale in his new job this season. Dwight, seeing this as an opportunity to mold Ryan into a sales-making partner is desperate for a new office friendship. He has a real fear that Ryan and him could easily degenerate into another Jim/Dwight type of rivalry and he doesn't want that to happen. I think there's quite a few people at Dunder Mifflin fighting loneliness and it's nice to see Dwight make a proactive effort to change his circumstances for the better.
Jumping over to Stamford (I'm not going to be able to use that for much longer) we get another Jim/Karen playful exchange to fulfill the working day. This time they are fighting over a squeaking chair that neither of them wants. I can totally relate to chair ownership in an office and it's a constant battle to make sure that if you do have one of the good ones it doesn't get taken. Case in point, I have one of the few remaining big comfy chairs in my office and it's a real fear that whenever I am out sick or on vacation it won't be there when I get back. I earned that chair, damn it and no one will take it from me. Moving away from that tangent, I enjoy the playful flirting with Jim and Karen but I hope we get to see a bit more of the Stamford office. These two plots were very similar and we're not going to be in Stamford for much longer. I also liked Andy's poor attempt to get in on the fun and failed maneuver to get Big Tuna away from his desk so Karen can steal the good chair back.
Back to Scranton, in the actual office it is Pretzel Day and Stanley has never been happier. I think this is the first time I've ever seen him smile on the show. It must be a sad existence to live a year for one day where you get a free pretzel for going into work the other 364 days but it's the little things that get you by. I, myself, live from weekend to weekend so that I can see a new movie, so it's whatever keeps you going. Michael also is fond of Pretzel Day however Pam has been tasked with keeping track of Michael's productivity by Jan, in less sympathetic mode this week. I loved Pam's attempts, both subtle and blatant, to get Michael to get some work done so she won't have to hand in a bad report and she continues in the protector role that she well established last episode. Even though Michael drives her crazy, she doesn't want to see him get into trouble even though if it is of his own doing. Somehow even on an intense sugar rush he is able to make a huge sale which impresses Pam, hopefully enough to tweak that report to keep Jan at bay.
It all ends with a phone call. I'm not sure but it seems that this is the first time Jim and Pam have talked since he left Scranton. Now I'm not sure how much time elapsed between the kiss and his transfer but it must have been awkward and therefore reasonable that they haven't kept in touch since then. After a few stumbling moments to grasp for topics ("What time is it there?") they easily settle back into the groove they had carved for themselves back in Scranton. We don't know how long they talked for but the impression is for quite a bit. It shows how their deep their friendship is that they can quickly pick up right where they left off and we know it is not over between these two no matter how much they are growing apart. Something keeps them tied to one another and Karen is sure to be a wrench thrown into that mix.
Favorite moment: Surprisingly I'm going to go with Ryan and Dwight's excursion to the beet farm. Dwight is trying to replicate movie methods of training a young apprentice and some of his tests fall a bit short. Ryan is easily able to snatch the beet seed from his hand during his second attempt. But the most hilarious line and the winner for this episode was the following exchange. Ryan's glance up at the camera during his delivery as he makes his snappy comeback made for the best laugh-out loud moment and I hope we get more pairings of these two in the future.
Dwight: And just as you have planted your seed in the ground, I am going to plant my seed in you.
Ryan: I don’t think you know what you’re saying.
Stupid People
16 years ago
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