Saturday, August 23, 2008

Change of Tactic

It was inevitable really. It's next to impossible to write a review for every movie and TV show I happen to watch, so much so that I'm avoiding watching a lot of things I like because I'll then have to write a review. So, I'm making an amendment to my original pledge. I will still continue to review the movies I watch, but as for television, I am going to review shows only from the beginning. Right now that's just Burn Notice and The Office (UK), but the fall TV season is right around the corner and I have shelves full of DVDs of shows that I can review as well. I think this method is more effective because then the reviews can follow the continuity of the show as the plots and characters develop. I'll reorganize the TV show posts once I come to them again in the grand scheme of things. Hopefully this will free up more time and make for richer reviews of the TV shows. Here's hoping for no more cuts!

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